Narrowing of the arteries is often associated with heart disease and heart attacks. In fact, narrowing of blood vessels can also affect various other organs of the body, not just the heart.
Blood vessels are tubular-like organs found throughout the body, from the toe to the tip of the head. The main function of blood vessels is to regulate blood pressure and drain blood throughout the body. Naturally, blood vessels can narrow (constriction) or dilate (dilation) due to the effect of muscle activity on the walls.
Causes of narrowing of the veins
Narrowing of blood vessels can occur naturally to regulate blood supply and blood pressure in certain body parts. Blood vessels can also be narrowed when you are in a cold place or have temperatures lower than body temperature. When there is a narrowing of blood vessels, the blood supply becomes slower, but the pressure becomes greater. Besides occurring naturally, narrowing of the arteries can also be caused by external factors, including:Certain diseases
One of the diseases that cause blood vessel constriction is reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS). This condition occurs when the muscles that affect the activity of blood vessels in the brain are disrupted. This condition is generally characterized by headaches that come suddenly. Hypothermia can also cause blood vessels to narrow. When you are cold, your body will shiver to stimulate muscle activity and generate body heat. To keep your body temperature warm, the blood vessels will constrict.
Effects of drugs
Blood vessels can also be narrowed due to the influence of certain drugs, such as antidepressant drugs, anti-Parkinson's drugs, decongestant drugs, immunosuppressant drugs, drugs to reduce bleeding after childbirth, or migraine drugs. Illegal drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy, can also cause blood vessel constriction.
Psychological condition
If you experience stress or other psychological problems, the circulatory system in the body becomes abnormal, blood vessels can also experience a sudden constriction. As a result, this condition causes irregular heart rhythm.
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